15th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium

June 18 - July 20, 2014 in University of California, Irvine, CA, USA

Fluorescent Flatbed Scanner: An Ultra-Large Field-of-View Gigapixel Fluorescent Imaging System

Z. Göröcs , Y. Ling , M. Dai Yu , D. Karahalios , K. Mogharabi , K. Lu , Q. Wei and A. Ozcan

Spatio-temporal Mapping of Mercury Contamination using a Smartphone

Q. Wei , R. Nagi , K. Sadeqhi , S. Feng , D. Tseng and A. Ozcan

Self-assembled Liquid Nanolenses for Wide-field Nanoparticle and Virus Imaging

E. McLeod , C. Nguyen , P. Huang , W. Luo , M. Veli and A. Ozcan