2016 – 17th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium

June 13 - June 15, 2016 in University of California, San Franscisco, CA, USA

Label-free Detection of Herpes Simplex Virus using a Cost-effective and Portable Holographic Microscope

Ray, H. Ho, M. Daloglu, E. Mcleod, A. Ozcan

Color Calibrated Fusion of Lens-free and Mobile-Phone Microscopy Images for High-Resolution and High-Color-Fidelity Imaging

Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang, and A. Ozcan

A Smartphone-Based 96-Well Plate Reader for Point-of-Care Quantification of Colorimetric ELISA Tests

Berg, B. Cortazar, D. Tseng, Q. Wei, D. Di Carlo, O. B. Garner, and A. Ozcan

Wavelength scanning enables pixel super-resolution in holographic microscopy

Z. Gorocs, W. Luo, Y. Zhang, A. Feizi and A. Ozcan

High-Throughput Imaging Cytometer for Real-Time Waterborne Pathogen Monitoring

K. Yanny, P. Wolf, H. Patel, Z. Gorocs and A. Ozcan

Wide-Field Lens-Free Polarized Imaging of Birefringent Crystals in Synovial Fluid for Gout Diagnosis

Y. Zhang, S. Y. C. Lee, Y. Zhang, D. Furst, J. Fitzgerald, and A. Ozcan

An online global-health related technology training platform for middle and high-school students

S. Feng, M.J. Woo, H. Kim, E.S. Shin, and A. Ozcan

Sickle Cell Detection Using a Smartphone Based Transmission Microscope

H.C. Koydemir, E. Van Dyne, D. Tseng, S. Feng, D. Karinca, K. Liang, R. Nadkarni, R. Varma, and A. Ozcan